To place a booking or make an enquiry, please get in touch via the booking form below. If you have trouble using the booking form for any reason or would just prefer to talk verbally, please call Antoine via the mobile number 07971 058686, or alternatively text your name and email/number with a brief message and he'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Please note that being based in Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, the prices shown for each package include travel within a 50 mile radius of Hull. Antoine is generally willing to travel to any part of England, but there will be additional travel costs to add to the package prices - calculated upon the distance from Hull at approximately 40p per mile return journey distance.
Yes No Unsure N/A
Deposit payments
Once you have confirmed Antoine's availability on the date of your wedding or event, are happy with the quoted price and would like to proceed with the booking, a minimum 20% deposit is usually required to formally secure the booking. This can be paid by cheque, direct bank transfer, or using the very secure Paypal system (see below).If you would like to use the Paypal system, please choose the booking option equal or nearest to the quoted fee. (BUT PLEASE ONLY PAY A DEPOSIT AFTER CHECKING AVAILABILITY AND TOTAL FEE AS THERE MAY BE CONCESSIONS OR EXTRA TRAVEL COSTS IN ADDITION TO THE STANDARD PACKAGE PRICES).
Hi Antoine,
Thank you so much for the wonderful atmosphere you created for our daughter's wedding, it was just perfect! We hope you will become a regular at Bunny Hill Weddings.
Kind regards, Sharon